25 Squadron at Boxted - Fred Embleton
I and three other ex aircrew
volunteers who had to remuster because of the cessation of aircrew
training in mid 1944 were posted to 25 Squadron at Boxted in early
1946 following our Fitters Course at Credenhill. We arrived with
great enthusiasm at the prospect of serving on Mosquito's, an
aircraft we had "Grown Up" with during our ADCC & ATC visits to our
parent airfield at Hatfield.
After a few weeks familiarisation with the aircraft, on the ex USAF
airbase of Boxted with all of its comforts, (sheets and
pillowcases), it was time to leave in September 1946. We headed the
convoy en route to West Malling acting as Mates to the drivers of
the Bowsers which displayed "Beware 100 Octane Aero Spirit". The
small amount of traffic on the roads gave us a wide berth.
Arriving at West Malling we rapidly grabbed the best "Bed Space" in
the super new accommodation, as it happened, next to the WAAF's
Block. We threw out our chests when we came upon any "29 Squadron"
bods, proudly displaying our 25 Badges which we had all purchased.
The George in West Malling. was the "watering hole" for all of the
Squadron. The landlord, a publican of many years, always gave us a
warm welcome. The Startled Saint with its halo of Spitfires was a
non starter. I remember well the detachments to Acklington for Air
to Ground firing on the beach at Warkworth. Our Mossies almost
stopped when the cannon were fired. Relaxation on a Saturday Evening
was the dance in the Mining Village Hall at Red Row, which cost a
I am not so sure that the weathering of the airframe led to the
demise of probably the best aircraft of WWII. I remember the
occasion when a 29 Squadron pilot "feathered one prop" and before
unfeathering it proceeded to feather his other one. It wasn’t a
pleasant site
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Hot Work |

All Push! |

Pay night - The George
West Malling |
A Squadron memory from Dr Frank Coker
Viewing the
list of past Squadron Commanders has
jogged my memory. On one occasion in 1943 I flew as navigator to Wg
Cdr Maude in his Mosquito when we led the squadron out of Church
Fenton in formation and the flanks peeled away in pairs. Later we
made a rendezvous to beat up Flamborough Head in line. It was one of
the most exciting things that I have experienced in my lifetime - to
Frank asks if anyone has news of Wg Cdr
Maude? If you do please use the email form.